March 30, 2011

It's here!! It's here!!

Look what finally came in the mail!  Jose Villa is one of my favorite photographers (his work is BEAUTIFUL) and when I heard about his new book, Fine Art Wedding Photography, I pre-ordered it right away.  That was early March and I have been excitedly waiting all month.

Can you tell I am excited? I flipped through it already and, aside from the stunning images on every page, the book is full of his tips on everything wedding photography.  I can't wait to read it!

March 28, 2011

Workshop with Mike Colón

I have a lot of blogging to do.

I had been putting it off because I have a new blog in the works and wasn't sure how I was going to transfer all my old posts over, but it is high time to blog again, regardless.  I'll just cross that bridge when I come to it.

The photos on this post are from a workshop I did earlier this semester (read: a few months ago!) with the talented Mike Colón.  Talented would begin to describe him.  Mike is great; he is an amazing photographer, a great teacher and just a cool guy.  He is the kind of guy that you not only would want to shoot your wedding, but the type you would want to be friends with after.  At the end of the two-day workshop, we had the opportunity to put all we'd learned into a styled shoot with models Jenn and Matt.  These two look great together and great in front of the camera!

Rock stars, right??? Such a great shoot. Thanks again to Mike and to his wonderful assistant Kat!

March 2, 2011

I'm Blogging Again

After a long hiatus in which I went through several artist's frustrations with the look my blog as well as businessman's wonderings about whether or not it was worth the work to maintain one, I have decided come to a conclusion: I am back and here to stay.

That being said, today I am not posting my own work but one of a photographer who inspires me.  I have a few shoots sitting on my hard drive waiting to be edited and a few coming up that I will definitely post, but for now there are no original creations of mine waiting to be shared.  But don't worry, they are coming, and  the work I have for you today is beautiful!  Lifestyle photographer Trevor Hoehne has a website called Blurry Things which feature is more artistic work (although all of his work is stunningly artistic!).  It is all out of focus and I love it!